Soumya Mazumdar


i am

I am a individual who has endeavored to make a significant impact in various fields, including social activism and entrepreneurship. My journey as a social activist began in Class 7, and now I manage multiple NGOs and have made a significant contribution to society. As an entrepreneur, I have faced many challenges, but I have managed to overcome them and created a successful business empire in industries like personal care, IT, food and packaging, and education. My passion for programming has been a significant factor in my success, as it allowed me to create innovative solutions for my businesses. My dedication to social activism, entrepreneurship, programming, and pragmatism has earned me several accolades over the years. I am an inspiration to many, and my achievements are a testament to the fact that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

I would love to connect with you over coffee or on Instagram or Facebook to share more about my journey.

My Involvement


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Iculis posuere proident vero quaerat exercitation numquam! Corporis suscipit gravida quisquam.


William Gillbert has over fourty roles in his repertoire

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As Etiam Mauris in Augue Eleifend Porttitor

In adipiscing purus urna

As Purus Mauris in Aliquam Est Pretium

Fermentum vel faucibus

As Velit in Magna Justo



Join Taltala Sporting Association as lifetime member


Co-Found MSG Group


Join noakhali somilan as Social Activist


Become a member of the Udayan Sangha Club for the development of culture in society


Become Chief Technology Officer at Adhyayan Education


Co-Founded Oniroop Herbal & Join as Executive Board Member


Become Chief Technology Officer at Oniroop Herbal


Become Chief Marketing Officer at Oniroop Herbal


Become Member of Parosh Pathor Charitable Foundation

Upcoming Show

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Ultricies nibh morbi amet fames in enim turpis aenean neque commodo nisi, tristique et nulla tellus.

06 / 14


Get In Touch

Meet Me

232, M.G.Road, Kolkata- 104

Call Me

(+91) 7278 422901

Email Me

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